Odoo PACI Card Reader

Odoo PACI Card Reader

Odoo PACI/SMART Card Reader

1-Enables reading all information from the PACI card in a single click.
2-It can read into any Odoo model and not limited to the Odoo Contacts.
3Read data from PACI card and auto fill form. The mapping is dynamic and configurable per each module apart.
4- Supports the smart card reader "HID OMNIKEY" and possible to integrate with any other reader


Checkout below step-by-step guide:


  •  Read data from PACI card or any Smart card reader and auto-fill form. The mapping is dynamic and configurable per each module apart.
  • Select which PACI/Smart card field to use for search on Kanban view or List view
  • Ready to be used with the smart card reader HID OMNIKEY and possible to integrate with any other reader
Smart Card Reader
  • Possible to customize to support any device you use that has an SDK.
  • Make sure Odoo runs as HTTPS. If using on plan HTTP then configure chrome (or browser) to disable “Block insecure private network requests” from the chrome://flags


  • Install PACI.exe on the windows PC where the PACI card reader is connected
  • Plug the card reader along with the PACI card > Search for services
Odoo modules
  • Search for the windows service PACI and right click on it > Click on start
  • Open Odoo > Go to Settings > Technical > In Parameters choose PACI
PACI card reader

 Create a new mapping where:

  • Model: is the Odoo model that will be mapped (e.g., Contact)
  • Kanban search field: the PACI field value that will be used in the search box on the Kanban view
  • List search field: the PACI field value that that will be used in the search box on the List View
  • Form search PACI: the PACI field that its value will be fetched and added in the Form search field
  • Form search field: the form field that the value of the form search PACI will be added to (will appear and be required if Form Search PACI was chosen)
  • Fields to fill section: The mapping between the PACI field and the Odoo forms. The mapping is made for each model.
Odoo Contact

Next go to the chosen model (contacts) Kanban/List

  • The value of the PACI field mapped to Kanban Search Field or List Search field (respectively) will be inserted in the search view on the clicking of the search card button in Kanban or List
  • NOTE: If the Kanban search field is empty, the Search Card button will not appear, same for the List search field
Odoo modules
  • If no fields are mapped = the Read card button will not appear
  • If no from search PACI was mapped when creating the mapping = Search card button will not appear
  • Form Search PACI should be mapped to a field to work
paci form